Image Viewers with MNG Support
Unquestionably the biggest category of MNG-supporting applications is
viewers; most major operating systems are represented (if only via Java).
Note that MNG image editors can often be used
as viewers, too; they just tend to be slower and may not display as nicely
on limited-color systems. There's also considerable overlap between this
page and the image-conversion page, since many
viewers can save to different formats. A few of
the viewers here even have minimal editing functions like cropping,
color balance, etc. Follow the links for details. Ye have been warned...
The MNG specification was approved and promoted to version 1.0 in January
2001, but even before that there were several applications with partial
MNG support. Now there are so many that this page is likely to be split
in the near future. (Excellent!) All known MNG-supporting applications
are listed here. However, Greg doesn't always hear about new ones right
away, so if you don't see something here, also try Gerard Juyn's MNG
application pages:
As with the PNG-applications pages,
links to home WWW sites or to downloadable versions are provided where known.
But if a link is broken, check the location and see if the page moved or if
an updated version is available (and please tell Greg!). Relevant
operating systems are printed in (parenthesized italics).
These are listed alphabetically, more or less:
- Advanced Batch Converter [Gold-Software Development]
(Win32) - version 3.5(?) and later; read-only;
JNG support (read/write); commercial.
- Advanced Slide Show [Gold-Software Development] (Win32) - version 1.2(?) and
later; read-only; JNG support;
- Ashampoo Photo Commander [Nikolaus Brennig] (Windows 2k/XP/2003) - all versions;
read/write; JNG support (read-only);
commercial. (This is the commercial successor to SlowView. It
was previously known as Mediafile Assistant.)
- AutoGraphicsHTML [fCoder Group] (Win32) - version 5.7 and later; read-only;
JNG support; commercial. (This is
a utility to create web-based photo albums. The output format is
restricted to GIF or JPEG, however.)
- FuturixImager [Alexander S. Tereschenko] (Win32) - version 2.0 and later;
read-only; JNG support (read/write);
write support for transparency in PNG and JNG as of version 2.01;
uses libmng, libpng, and zlib; freeware. (This was formerly
known as Futuris Imager.)
- gtk-mngview - see libmng on the toolkits page
- GV [Tamotsu TOBITA (とびた)] (Win32,
Windows 3.x) - version 0.85 and later; read-only; freeware.
(This is a Japanese image viewer with PNG and MNG support; here's
Babelfish's automated English translation of the page.)
- iBrowser [fCoder Group]
(Win32) - all versions? read-only;
JNG support; commercial. (This is
an thumbnail browser and image/animation viewer. It includes slideshow
and desktop background [wallpaper] functions, and it can integrate into
the Windows shell.)
- ImageConverter Plus [Evgeny
Shamin / fCoder Group]
(Win32) - version 6.0(?) and later; read-only;
JNG support;
commercial. (This is a GUI image-viewer and converter with some basic
manipulation capabilities; it can also plug itself into the Windows
Explorer/menu system. See also 2PNG above.)
- ImageMagick
[John Cristy] (Unix/X,
VMS/X, Win32/X, Mac OS) - version 3.9.2 and
later (minimal MNG support), or version 4.2.4 and
later (full MNG-LC support); broken in versions 5.2.7 through 5.3.6;
JNG support as of version 5.5.2;
read/write; full gamma support; full chromaticity support? requires
libpng and zlib; freeware with source. (This is a
multi-format viewer/converter/library package with the ability to view
MNG-LC animations [except on Mac OS] and convert to MNG all GIF
animations that don't use [the relatively rare] disposal method
"restore to previous.")
- ImageWalker [Zac Walker] (Win32) - version 2.0(?) and later; read-only;
JNG support; uses libmng,
libpng and zlib; shareware. (This is an image
viewer/converter, although it cannot create MNGs.)
- IrfanView32 [Skiljan Irfan] (Win32) - version 3.70 and later; read-only?
freeware (for non-commercial use). (This is an image viewer/converter.)
- IV / ImgView / Image Viewer
[Wolfpack Entertainment]
(Unix/GTK+) - version 2.3.1 and later; read/write;
JNG support; alpha support; requires
Imlib, libmng, libjpeg, libpng and
zlib; freeware (GPL) with C source.
- IvanView [Ivan A. Kotenev] (Win32) - version 1.1.22 and later;
read-only; JNG support (read/write);
- KSquirrel
[Baryshev "Krasu" Dmitry]
(Unix/KDE) - version 0.6.0-pre9 and later; read-only;
JNG support; requires libmng;
freeware (GPL) with source.
- Mediafile Assistant - see Ashampoo Photo Commander above
- MNGBrowser - see MNGEdit on the editors page
- MNGeye [Triple-T Software]
(Win32) - all versions; read/write/edit as of August 1998;
freeware. (This is an image-viewer for PNG and MNG, including
JNG support in version 1.1 and later.
Version 1.31 is current as of MNG Draft 69 [frozen]. MNGeye and its
sibling eMNGma are probably the most full-featured and up-to-date
MNG applications written so far.)
- MNG-LC Player
[Shinya IKEDA
(池田 進矢)]
(Java) - all versions; read-only; MNG-LC support;
JNG support; requires JDK 1.1 or
later; freeware (GPL and/or LGPL) with source. (This is a MNG viewer
written completely in Java. The web pages and source-code comments are
in Japanese only, although Babelfish provides an English translation of sorts.)
- mngplay
[Ralph Giles] (Unix/X,
Win32, BeOS, Mac) - all versions; read-only; requires SDL,
libmng, libjpeg (for JNG
support) and zlib; freeware (GPL) with source. (This is a MNG
viewer, now distributed as part of libmng and based on Sam Lantinga's
Simple DirectMedia Layer toolkit.
It should therefore be portable to multiple OSes, but it has been tested
only under Linux so far. A Linux binary [1207k] is also available.)
- MNG Player [Tarkvara
Design] (Mac OS X, Mac OS) - all versions; read-only;
JNG support; alpha support (but
incomplete for JNG as of version 1.0b1); uses libmng,
libjpeg, and zlib; freeware.
- MNG QuickTime Component
[Tarkvara Design] (Mac OS X,
Mac OS, Win32) - all versions; read/write; requires
libmng and zlib; freeware (BSD) with source. (This is a MNG viewer component [plug-in] for Apple's
QuickTime framework. The SourceForge CVS module name is simply
- mngview - see libmng on the toolkits page
- MicroPlayer / μ-Player
[Shinya IKEDA
(Java) - all versions; read-only; MNG-VLC support;
JNG support in
MicroPlusPlayer / μ+Player;
requires JDK 1.1 or later; freeware (GPL and/or LGPL) with source. (This
is a tiny MNG-VLC viewer written completely in Java. The web pages
and source-code comments are in Japanese only, although Babelfish
provides an English translation of sorts.)
- PajantImage [Pajant
Software] (Win32) - all versions; read/write; commercial.
(This is an ActiveX control that supports multiple formats, including
MNG-LC, and comes with an image viewer and screen saver. The web site's
links require JavaScript to function.)
- PNG/MNG Construction Set Professional
[Alchemy Mindworks] (Win32) - all versions;
read/write; full(?) alpha support; commercial. (This tool, the PNG/MNG
equivalent of GIF Construction Set above, can be used to add alpha
transparency to PNG images as well as to create, modify, and optimize MNG
- sdl-mngplay - see mngplay above
- ShowImg
[Richard Groult] (Unix/KDE2)
- all versions; read-only; requires Qt, libpng, and
zlib; freeware (GPL) with source.
- SlowView [Nikolaus
Brennig] (Win32) - version 0.9.0 and later;
read/write; alpha support; uses libmng, libpng, and
zlib; freeware. (This product has been discontinued. See
Ashampoo Photo Commander above.)
- Smart Converter [Acoll
Software] (Win32) - version 1.4 and later; read-only;
JNG support (read/write); shareware.
- Susie [Takechin?] (Win32) - version 0.45a(?) and later;
read-only? freeware. (This is a Japanese image viewer with PNG, MNG
and/or JNG support via plug-ins, of which
more than half a dozen are available -- from
ChangTa (PNG),
Watanabe (PNG),
MIYASAKA Masaru (PNG with source),
Tietew Windows Lab (PNG),
Pearly Baroque (PNG/MNG/JNG),
A. Mezamashi
The Susie plug-in format, file extension
.spi, seems to be something of a Japanese standard; for
example, see also Pmacs and Picture Effecter on the
PNG image
editors page.)
- uplayer - see MicroPlayer / μ-Player above
- viewpng [Glenn
Randers-Pehrson] (SGI Irix/X) - all versions? read-only;
freeware. (This is an image-viewer for PNG and MNG. It was the original
testbed for MNG features, and its MNG support is fairly complete--only
the PAST, SEEK/SAVE, DROP, DBYK, ORDR, PPLT and JPEG-related chunks are
not implemented. Be sure to grab both viewpng.gz and
pnggzip.gz . Development on this app ceased in May
1997. There are no plans for further development.)
- XnView [Pierre-e
Gougelet] (Win32) - version 1.61
and later; read-only; JNG support;
freeware (for non-commercial use). (XnView is the
newer, windowed version of Nview and Nconvert. As of September 2003,
the latest version [with MNG/JNG support] is not yet available on Unix
or Windows 3.x. The primary release is in French, but dozens of
translations are available.)
Here are some related MNG pages at this site:
Last modified 14 March 2009.
Copyright © 1998-2009 Greg Roelofs.