Image-Conversion Applications with MNG Support
Many of the image- and animation-conversion applications listed here are
also viewers and are therefore listed on the MNG-supporting image-viewer page as well. Note also that
image editors often have the ability to import
and export many formats. Finally, not all of these applications convert
both to and from the MNG (and/or JNG) format; the "read-only,"
"write-only" and "read/write" comments indicate the type of MNG support.
All known MNG-supporting image converters are listed here, but Greg doesn't
always hear about new ones right away. So if you don't see something
here, also check Gerard Juyn's MNG application pages, particularly
As with the PNG-applications pages,
links to home WWW sites or to downloadable versions are provided where known.
But if a link is broken, check the location and see if the page moved or if
an updated version is available (and
please tell Greg!).
Relevant operating systems are printed in (parenthesized italics).
These are listed alphabetically, more or less:
- 2PNG [fCoder Group]
(Win32) - all versions; read-only; alpha support; gamma support
as of version 4.2? JNG support as of
version 2.0; commercial. (This is a non-graphical batch converter from
various formats to PNG. The company sells other batch converters with
read-only PNG/MNG/JNG support. See also ImageConverter Plus
- AdvanceCOMP
Mazzoleni et al.] (DOS, Win32, Linux) - version 1.2 and
later; read/write; freeware (GPL) with source. (This is now a
dedicated set of recompression utilities [optimizers], originally part
of the AdvanceSCAN "command-line ROM manager" for various MAME
game-engine implementations. It includes AdvancePNG and
AdvanceMNG [or advpng and advmng], the latter of
which is capable of splitting PNGs out of a MNG animation [as of version
1.6] and of converting a sequence of PNG images back into a single MNG
[as of version 1.9]. advmng originally was called zmng and was
part of the AdvanceMAME game emulator. Note that, as of version
1.9, it apparently still works only on non-interlaced palette, RGB,
and RGBA PNGs [i.e., no grayscale, gray+alpha, or interlaced].)
- Advanced Batch Converter [Gold-Software Development]
(Win32) - version 3.5(?) and later; read-only;
JNG support (read/write); commercial.
- AdvanceMNG - see AdvanceCOMP above
- AdvanceSCAN - see AdvanceCOMP above
- A Mort les GIFs
(Java) - all versions; write-only; no transparency support;
freeware (GPL) with source. (This is a Java application to convert GIFs
into PNGs or MNGs. It uses delta-encoding to compress the MNG streams
as much as possible [which also loses any transparency], and two
third-party MNG viewers are included, one in Java by Shinya IKEDA and
one for Mac OS by Tarkvara Design. Note that the application is in
French, but it's straightforward to use. It requires JDK 1.3 or later.)
- Ashampoo Photo Commander [Nikolaus Brennig] (Windows 2k/XP/2003) - all versions;
read/write; JNG support (read-only);
commercial. (This is the commercial successor to SlowView. It
was previously known as Mediafile Assistant.)
- AutoGraphicsHTML [fCoder Group] (Win32) - version 5.7 and later; read-only;
JNG support; commercial. (This is
a utility to create web-based photo albums. The output format is
restricted to GIF or JPEG, however.)
- blinkentools
Blinkenlights / Arcade] (Win32, Mac OS X, Unix, etc.) -
version 2.0 and later; write-only; requires libmng and
zlib; freeware (GPL) with source. (This is a suite of utilities
to support very large displays. In particular, it includes b2mng,
which converts Blinkenlights Markup Language [BML] and Blinkenlights
Movie [BLM] files to MNG format. As of April 2004, the latest versions
are available only from Sven Neumann's site, but this is considered temporary. Versions
2.8 and later require a post-1.0.7 version of libmng to display the MNG
movies correctly.)
- FixMNG [Duncan Lilly / Digital Workshop] (Win32) -
all versions; read/write; freeware. (This is a special-purpose
conversion utility to fix the MNG animations produced by Animation
Shop above.)
- FuturixImager [Alexander S. Tereschenko] (Win32) - version 2.0 and later;
read-only; JNG support (read/write);
write support for transparency in PNG and JNG as of version 2.01;
uses libmng, libpng, and zlib; freeware. (This was formerly
known as Futuris Imager.)
- gif2mng [Gerard Juyn]
(Win32) - all versions; write-only; uses libmng; freeware.
(This is a GIF-to-MNG converter, obviously; it's written by the author
of libmng and includes several size-optimization approaches, including
both "filmstrips" and delta-MNGs.)
- ImageConverter Plus [Evgeny
Shamin / fCoder Group]
(Win32) - version 6.0(?) and later; read-only;
JNG support;
commercial. (This is a GUI image-viewer and converter with some basic
manipulation capabilities; it can also plug itself into the Windows
Explorer/menu system. See also 2PNG above.)
- ImageMagick
[John Cristy] (Unix/X,
VMS/X, Win32/X, Mac OS) - version 3.9.2 and
later (minimal MNG support), or version 4.2.4 and
later (full MNG-LC support); broken in versions 5.2.7 through 5.3.6;
JNG support as of version 5.5.2;
read/write; full gamma support; full chromaticity support? requires
libpng and zlib; freeware with source. (This is a
multi-format viewer/converter/library package with the ability to view
MNG-LC animations [except on Mac OS] and convert to MNG all GIF
animations that don't use [the relatively rare] disposal method
"restore to previous.")
- ImageWalker [Zac Walker] (Win32) - version 2.0(?) and later; read-only;
JNG support; uses libmng,
libpng and zlib; shareware. (This is an image
viewer/converter, although it cannot create MNGs.)
- IrfanView32 [Skiljan Irfan] (Win32) - version 3.70 and later; read-only?
freeware (for non-commercial use). (This is an image viewer/converter.)
- IvanView [Ivan A. Kotenev] (Win32) - version 1.1.22 and later;
read-only; JNG support (read/write);
- Mediafile Assistant - see Ashampoo Photo Commander above
- Konvertor [] (Win32) - version 2.10(?) and
later; read/write; commercial. (This is a batch converter. Despite
the fact that it also supports video conversion, both MNG and GIF are
listed only as image formats, so it's not clear what level of animation
support exists. For the French version of the web page, follow the link above.)
- MNG Compiler
(桜月)] (Perl, Win32) - all
versions; write-only? freeware with source. (This is a utility that
creates MNGs from a text file and one or more PNG images.)
- MNGEdit
[Naoyuki Hirayama
(平山 直之)] (Win32) - all
versions; read/write; requires VAFX,
updated VAXFMNGA (included on MNGEdit page in MNGTools.lzh),
libpng and zlib; freeware with source.
(This is a MNG editor that can create animations out of multiple PNGs,
presumably conforming to the MNG-VLC or MNG-LC specification. A
viewer, MNGBrowser, is also included. The code hasn't been
updated since early February 2000, so it may not fully conform to the
current MNG spec; but since the C++ sources are provided, fixing any
such problems should be simple. See also Babelfish's automated English translation.)
- PajantImage [Pajant
Software] (Win32) - all versions; read/write; commercial.
(This is an ActiveX control that supports multiple formats, including
MNG-LC, and comes with an image viewer and screen saver. The web site's
links require JavaScript to function.)
- pngsplit
[Greg Roelofs] (Unix, etc.)
- all versions; read-only; freeware (GPL) with source. (This is a
simple utility to split a PNG, MNG
or JNG image into its constituent
chunks [and file signature], each one numbered for easy reassembly. For
example, foo.png might become foo.png.0000.sig,
foo.png.0001.IHDR, foo.png.0002.IDAT, and
foo.png.0003.IEND; concatenating all the pieces reproduces the
original file. pngsplit currently is distributed only as part of the
pngcheck package [miscellaneous apps
page], version 2.1.0 or later.)
- QuickTime MNG Component
[Tarkvara Design] (Mac OS X,
Mac OS, Win32) - all versions; read/write; requires
libmng and zlib; freeware (BSD) with source. (This is a MNG viewer component [plug-in] for Apple's
QuickTime framework. The SourceForge CVS module name is simply
- ShowImg
[Richard Groult] (Unix/KDE2)
- all versions; read-only; requires Qt, libpng, and
zlib; freeware (GPL) with source.
- SlowView [Nikolaus
Brennig] (Win32) - version 0.9.0 and later;
read/write; alpha support; uses libmng, libpng, and
zlib; freeware. (This product has been discontinued. See
Ashampoo Photo Commander above.)
- Smart Converter [Acoll
Software] (Win32) - version 1.4 and later; read-only;
JNG support (read/write); shareware.
- Xenomorph
[Ewald Krämer]
(Unix/Qt3) - all versions; read-only; requires Qt 3.x;
freeware (GPL) with C++ source. (This is a "floating-point
image-processing [application] with an extensible set of filter kernels.
It includes linear and polynomial (volterra) filters and morphologic
filters." PNG is its only output format.)
- XPhoto GIF Animator [OmegaSoft] (Win32) -
all versions; read-only; commercial. (This is an image and animation
editor, but it cannot write MNG images and therefore is useful only as
a converter to other formats.)
- zmng - see AdvanceCOMP above
Here are some related MNG pages at this site:
Last modified 14 March 2009.
Copyright © 1998-2009 Greg Roelofs.