Image and Animation/Video Editors with MNG Support
For the purposes of this page, an "image editor" is defined as a paint or
drawing program that supports pixel-level editing (or the equivalent). As
a general rule of thumb, if it's got a pencil or paint-brush tool, it's in; if
it supplies only "algorithms" (such as sharpening, blurring, edge-detection,
cropping, etc.), it's not. See the Image Converters
page for applications in the latter class.
Animation- and video-editing applications may or may not support low-level
editing; they are characterized more by the ability to arrange and store
frames, set delay intervals and transitions, and so forth.
All known MNG-supporting image editors are listed here, but Greg doesn't
always hear about new ones right away. So if you don't see something here,
also check Gerard Juyn's MNG application pages, particularly these:
As with the PNG-applications pages,
links to home WWW sites or to downloadable versions are provided where known.
But if a link is broken, check the location and see if the page moved or if
an updated version is available (and please tell Greg!). Relevant
operating systems are printed in (parenthesized italics).
These are listed alphabetically, more or less:
- Ameri-Imager [ThinkTank Software] (Win32) - version 2.0(?) and later;
read/write? commercial. (This is an image and video editor with PNG
and MNG support.)
- Animai [SOGEN] (Win32) - all versions; read/write? uses
libmng; freeware. (This is a MNG-specific animation editor.)
- Animation Shop [Jasc / Corel]
(Win32) - version 1.0 and later; read/write/edit; conforms to
(older) frozen version of MNG specification as of version 2.01, and
almost conforms to MNG-LC 0.97 as of version 3.0; stores invalid TERM
chunk in some cases; commercial. (Animation Shop is [or was] bundled
with Paint Shop Pro; AS 1.0 was included with PSP 5.0, AS 2.0
with PSP 6.0, and AS 3.0 with PSP 7.0 and 8.0. MNG is Animation Shop's
native format. Version 3.0, released 21 September 2000, is claimed
to conform to the current MNG-LC specification.
Unfortunately, it will try to read almost any MNG, no matter how
complex, effectively destroying those it doesn't fully understand [and
violating the spec], and it creates invalid MNGs that don't display
correctly in some other MNG-supporting applications [see FixMNG
on the converters page]. Also, it grabs the
.mng file association without asking.)
- eMNGma [Triple-T Software]
(Win32) - all versions; read/write/edit; freeware(adware) /
shareware. (This is a MNG editor/`animation shop.' Its interface is
considerably more automated and easy to use than the manual editing
facilities built into MNGeye below. This product is no longer
officially available, but the author may be contacted for further
information, and the free/adware version [EMF200en.exe, 2,349,152 bytes]
reportedly can be found on P2P networks via eMule.)
- Giam [Tsuyoshi Furumizo (古溝 剛)]
(Win32) - version 1.20p and later; read/write; MNG-LC
support (but attempts [and fails] to open and edit more complex MNG
streams); uses libpng and zlib? freeware. (This is a
viewer and editor of multiple animation types. An automated English translation is available via Babelfish.)
(GNU Image
Manipulation Program) [Spencer Kimball, Peter
Mattis, and many others] (Unix/GTK+, Win32, OS/2, Mac OS X) - version 1.3.14 and later;
write-only (MNG only,
although a separate plug-in by Frank
Richter exists in the GIMP
plug-in registry and reportedly can read
JNG images); full alpha support;
requires libmng, libjpeg, libpng and zlib;
freeware (GPL) with source. (GIMP is a "free Photoshop-like
image editor for X11" and other GUIs, with built-in PNG and MNG support.
Note that there is also a GIMP Animation Package [a.k.a. GIMP-GAP] for doing
frame-based animations.)
- Gserver [Gábor
Szántó] (Win32) -
all versions; write-only; freeware. (This is a
remote-computing / remote-control application, somewhat similar to
PC Anywhere. It allows any PNG- or MNG-supporting web browser to view
and control the Windows system running Gserver. Single screenshots
are made available as PNG images, and continuously updated views are
sent as MNG streams. Gserver is reported to be compatible with MSIE 4.x
and 5.x with Jason Summers' MNGPLG [below] and with Netscape
6.01 [but not 6.0] natively. This product is no longer
- MNGEdit
[Naoyuki Hirayama
(平山 直之)] (Win32) - all
versions; read/write; requires VAFX,
updated VAXFMNGA (included on MNGEdit page in MNGTools.lzh),
libpng and zlib; freeware with source.
(This is a MNG editor that can create animations out of multiple PNGs,
presumably conforming to the MNG-VLC or MNG-LC specification. A
viewer, MNGBrowser, is also included. The code hasn't been
updated since early February 2000, so it may not fully conform to the
current MNG spec; but since the C++ sources are provided, fixing any
such problems should be simple. See also Babelfish's automated English translation.)
- MNGeye
Software] (Win32) - all versions; read/write/edit as of
August 1998; freeware with Pascal source. (This is
an image-viewer/editor for PNG and MNG, including
JNG support in version 1.1 and later.
Version 1.31 is current as of MNG Draft 69 [frozen]. See also
eMNGma above. This product is no longer available except via
CVS at
SourceForge. The author may be contacted for
further information.)
- Paint Shop Pro - see Animation Shop above
- Photoshop [Adobe]
(Win32) - version 7.0 and later with Tassilo Philipp's JNG plug-in; read/write
(JNG only); full 32-bit alpha
support; commercial (but plug-in is freeware).
- PNG/MNG Construction Set Professional
[Alchemy Mindworks] (Win32) - all versions;
read/write; full(?) alpha support; commercial. (This tool, the PNG/MNG
equivalent of GIF Construction Set above, can be used to add alpha
transparency to PNG images as well as to create, modify, and optimize MNG
- Video Toaster [NewTek]
(Win32) - version [2] build 3480i and later; read-only?
commercial. (This product is no longer available. This was a
well-known video-editing application, originally written for the Amiga.)
- WinImages [Black Belt Systems] (Win32) - version R6 and
later; write-only; commercial. (This is more of a special-effects and
animation studio than a "normal" image editor. Read support is likely
to appear in a maintenance update.)
Here are some related MNG pages at this site:
Last modified 14 March 2009.
Copyright © 1998-2009 Greg Roelofs.