Miscellaneous Applications with MNG Support
These are applications that don't necessarily fit into the
browser /
viewer /
editor /
converter /
3D /
entertainment /
business /
categories. All known MNG-supporting applications that don't fit elsewhere
are listed below. However, Greg doesn't always hear about new ones right
away, so if you don't see something here, also try Gerard Juyn's MNG
application pages, particularly these:
As with the PNG-applications pages,
links to home WWW sites or to downloadable versions are provided where known.
But if a link is broken, check the location and see if the page moved or if
an updated version is available (and please tell Greg!). Relevant
operating systems are printed in (parenthesized italics).
These are listed alphabetically, more or less:
- bootsplash
[Stefan Reinauer]
(Linux/fbcon) - all versions? read-only; freeware (GPL) with
source. (This is a combination of kernel patch and utility suite to
load various bootup logos, background images, and animations during
Linux bootup.)
which isn't updated quite as often.)
- cyclo.cgi
[Tetsuro "techan" Imai]
(Perl) - all versions? write-only? freeware with source. (This
is a CGI script that appears to take a list of still PNG images and
display them in a slideshow by converting them on the fly to a looping
MNG animation. See also the English page,
which isn't updated quite as often.)
- DingoSearch [SplitCycle
Computing] (Win32) - all versions; read-only; free adware.
(This is a client-side front end to multiple search engines. It
supports PNG and MNG images for the banner ads it shows at the top of
its window.)
- file-insider.com [Jean-Luc Halleux] (WWW/CGI) - versions since 25 October
2002; read-only; JNG support;
text support, including compressed chunks;
freeware. (This is a site that will print various information [e.g.,
dimensions, type, embedded comments] about images that are either
uploaded or visible via the Web.)
- FileSnoop
[Bruno Sonnino]
(Win32) - all versions; read-only;
JNG support; requires
TNGImage (uses libmng, libjpeg, and zlib);
non-redistributable freeware (requires free registration, cookies,
JavaScript) with source. (This is a utility to display file contents
[e.g., in hexadecimal] and print useful information [e.g., image
- Gserver [Gábor
Szántó] (Win32) -
all versions; write-only; freeware. (This is a
remote-computing / remote-control application, somewhat similar to
PC Anywhere. It allows any PNG- or MNG-supporting web browser to view
and control the Windows system running Gserver. Single screenshots
are made available as PNG images, and continuously updated views are
sent as MNG streams. Gserver is reported to be compatible with MSIE 4.x
and 5.x with Jason Summers' MNGPLG [below] and with Netscape
6.01 [but not 6.0] natively.)
- MNGcount
[SATO "COCKY" Akihiro]
(Perl) - all versions; write-only;
JNG support; freeware with
source. (This is a web-page counter that generates static, multilayer
MNG-LC images on the fly. MNGcount Plus produces animations
[complex MNGs]. The main page is in Japanese.)
- mngcntr.cgi
(桜月)] (Perl) - all versions;
write-only; freeware with source (comments in Japanese). (This is a
web-page counter that generates either static, multilayer MNG-LC images
or MNG animations on the fly. English-speakers may wish to use Babelfish's translation.)
- move.cgi
[Tetsuro "techan" Imai]
(Perl) - all versions? write-only; freeware with source. (This
is a CGI script that takes a pair of equal-sized PNGs and apparently
oscillates them either horizontally or vertically by converting them on
the fly to a [nested] looping MNG animation. See also the English page,
which isn't updated quite as often.)
- NetStock [SplitCycle
Computing] (Win32) - version 1.54 and later; read-only; free
adware. (This is a "simple little stock and mutual fund Internet quote
retrieval program." It supports PNG and MNG images for the banner ads
it shows at the bottom of its window.)
- pngcheck
[Alexander Lehmann,
Andreas Dilger,
Greg Roelofs, and others]
(Unix, DOS, OS/2, Win32, Macintosh, Amiga, RISC OS, etc.) -
version 1.98-grr5 and later; read-only;
JNG support as of version 1.99.1;
stand-alone (requires neither libraries nor graphics capability,
although can be linked with zlib for enhanced functionality);
freeware (MIT/X11) with C source. (This is the official PNG integrity
tester and dumper, with MNG/JNG extensions and optional [but highly
recommended] zlib support. It is currently better at dumping MNG and
JNG info than at checking their conformance. Versions 2.1.0 and later
recognize all official MNG, JNG, and PNG chunks, and they include
pngsplit and png-fix-IDAT-windowsize [both GPL].)
- pngtester.cgi
[Tetsuro "techan" Imai]
(Perl) - all versions? read-only;
JNG support; freeware with
source. (This is a CGI script that tests and dumps the contents of PNG,
JNG and MNG images. See also the English page,
which isn't updated quite as often.)
- scroll.cgi
[Tetsuro "techan" Imai]
(Perl) - all versions? read/write?
JNG support; freeware with
source. (This is a CGI script that appears to take a list of still
images, including PNG and JNG, and convert them on the fly into a
scrolling, looping MNG animation. See also the English page,
which isn't updated quite as often.)
- SmartMorph [MeeSoft] (Win32) - version 1.55(?) and later; read/write;
freeware. (This is an image-morphing tool. It takes a start image and
an end image and generates the intervening frames.)
- x11rec
[Satoru Takabayashi]
(Unix/X) - all versions; write-only; requires ImageMagick,
libpng and zlib; freeware (GPL) with source. (This is a
simple Ruby script that uses ImageMagick and some standard X11 utilities
to capture a window at some rate and save it as a MNG or GIF animation.)
- XVidCap
[Rasca Gmelch / Karl H. Beckers] (Unix/X)
- version 1.0 and later; write-only; doesn't conform to frozen version
of MNG specification (as of version 1.0.9); freeware (GPL) with source.
(This is a video-capture application for X; it simply grabs rectangular
areas of the display and either saves them as individual frames on disk,
as a single [pre-frozen/Draft 43] MNG stream, or as an MPEG video.)
Here are some related MNG pages at this site:
Last modified 14 March 2009.
Copyright © 1998-2009 Greg Roelofs.